“The Sound of the Summer” 

July 18th, 2018 - Maplehurst Apartments

What’s wonderful about the sound of the Summer 

Is how they simmer and wonder

They never sing

They tell that’s for the Spring

‘Stead they speak the way the weak 

Tend to crawl and creak

Amongst the ants

And the crickets

Along the river 

And in the thicket

Down by the bridge I watch and contemplate

Who’s meaning and thoughts I often try and emulate

It’s far more important than I

It has no eyes, no mouth

No outlet to hear or fear what life’s for or about

Stead it’s steady

Strong and ready

The way we wish we could 

The way we know we should

Never a melody from its throat 

Never a note

It never sings

Because we swear that’s for the Spring