“A Blushing Blonde Gushing…”
Nov. 12, 2018
A blushing blonde gushing
And a full force of curls came rushing
Over my half spent world
I felt tamed for the first time in a long time
A fresh lioness lay lightly by my side
And kept her cool hands reaching for my burning iron brand
“Tame me,” I cried.
For far too long I’ve felt wronged
And let that furnace burn us down to an eerie ember glow
To leave lessons to me as a lessor
Now I no longer need
Which is when I finally feel I can finely hede the stampede
No longer an ass, but more as a steed
“So take me,” I plead
“Lioness, make me your King.”
I know not the rapture and yes, I intend to capture every last bit of your laughter
I promise not to display you as prey on the mantle
Nor to dismantle your pride and mane
All will remain the same
Just lead me to your pasture
Let me drink of your waters
Let me speak to your daughters
Let me feast of your catches
And at night, let me feel your caresses
Lioness, make me your master.